Not too bad if you’re dealing with a short scene without too many layers, but a very lengthy scene (or scenes) with multiple layers would be a pain to manually reconstruct in Harmony, so an import script which keeps the layer structure and exposures intact is the better solution. The bad thing about that is that Harmony does not respect the layer structure or exposures from the Krita timeline, so you will have to reconstruct the scene in the Harmony X-Sheet/Timeline. Hello everybody :slightsmile: can i Import Brushes in Toon Boom Harmoy 17 essentials ist a brush with a different texture btw. Otherwise you’re pretty much stuck with exporting your animation from Krita as an image sequence (PNG or TGA), then Import & Vectorize the image sequence into a layer in Harmony. You can import and export brushes, but, as far as I know, Essentials doesn’t support any sort of textures, including the vector ones that you can apply with the Pencil tool in the other editions of Harmony. Rough Animator has a script to export scenes from Rough Animator to Harmony (keeping the layer structure and exposures intact) so if you know anything about scripting (or can find someone who does know scripting) you might be able to adapt the script from Rough Animator to do the same for Krita to Harmony. tpl file inside the selected library folder. The selected file appears in the Library view as a. Find and select an image file and click Open. Have a look at the animation app Rough Animator. In the Library view, right-click a library folder and select Import Files.